Price in Drupal Commerce 2.x is not a number but a class. This class has a price number and currency code properties, and both are strings. So, to set the product price programmatically you have to first instantiate the Price class:
$price = new \Drupal\commerce_price\Price('9.99', 'EUR');
and then use created Price object to set the product price:
$product_variation = \Drupal\commerce_product\Entity\ProductVariation::load(1);
$product_variation->set('price', $price);
To get the price number and currency code you can use appropriate getters methods:
$price_number = $price->getNumber();
$currency_code = $price->getCurrencyCode();
You can also create a Price object by using the static method:
$price = Price::fromArray(['number' => '9.99', 'currency_code' => 'EUR']);
In summary, in Drupal Commerce 2.x, prices are managed using the Price class, which encapsulates both the price number and currency code, allowing for programmatic manipulation and retrieval of product prices.