Taxonomy post update make taxonomy term revisionable fails
While updating this site to Drupal 8.7.2 I got Update aborted by: taxonomy post update make taxonomy term revisionable error. Let's see how I fixed it and what was the problem in my case.
While updating this site to Drupal 8.7.2 I got Update aborted by: taxonomy post update make taxonomy term revisionable error. Let's see how I fixed it and what was the problem in my case.
Nginx config file for this site didn't have gzip compression enabled. I copied the default file from here Nginx Recipes, updated server_name, and site path, and never bothered to check if compression is enabled or not.
In my previous blog post, I was writing about running Functional tests if you are using Docker4Drupal. In this follow-up article, I will write about running Functional Javascript tests.
In this blog post, we will focus on various instances that demonstrate the behavior of caching in relation to blocks within Drupal.
Twig Render This is a module that allows you to render fields and entities inside your Twig templates. In this article, we'll see an example of usage.
Implementing the Out of Stock feature in Drupal Commerce 2.x is easy. Unfortunately, you can't just enable this feature, because Commerce doesn't support it out of the box. You have to get your hands dirty and write some code.
Let's see how to loop through referenced entities like paragraphs and nodes.
Quick tip on how to set date fields programmatically in Drupal 8 and 9.
As of writing this blog post, the Menu Token module for Drupal 8 is still in the alpha version and it might not work in all cases. That's why having an alternative solution is great. The alternative to using the Menu Token module for Drupal 8 is to use Menu link plugins.
Inline Twig template is a quick and easy way to use Twig syntax in render arrays. I usually use this render element type to add JS scripts to the <body> section of Drupal pages, but you can also use it in controller responses, custom blocks, and so on.